Did you watch/miss our society’s 1st webinar (in a series)? How and where can you watch these excellent talks if you missed them or would like to hear and see them again? Are you interested in when the next webinar will take place? All this and more can be found in this month’s edition of the ISEBTT newsletter, prepared by Mihaela Moisescu and Peter Kramar.
And while you are waiting for the 2nd ISEBTT webinar, you can attend on line (or on site) the symposium dedicated to commemorating the 90th anniversary of the birth of Lojze Vodovnik.
The programme is definitely promising: https://fe.uni-lj.si/lojze-vodovnik-scientist-and-humanist/international-symposium/.
All about the events on that day and about Lojze Vodovnik – my mentor and founder of our lab 60 years ago: https://fe.uni-lj.si/lojze-vodovnik-scientist-and-humanist/.