The January 2019 Newsletter by Guillermo Marshall is describing The First Latin American Workshop on Electroporation and its Applications.

In the year 2018 to which we will say goodbye in a few days, it is now the 2nd time that Nature is bringing up electroporation. In the last Thursday’s issue of Nature, Vol 564, December 13, 2018 S16-7, Amanda Keener wrote a piece titled “A genetic shortcut” in which she describes efforts in delivering DNA encoding antibodies into cells. Electroporation is mentioned as a means to deliver DNA. Members of our society as well as our sponsors from the World Congress are featured in this article (read all:

We can be proud of our members and their research achievements, as well as of our Society as in the forthcoming year we are organizing the 3rd World Congress ( See you all there!

A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all!