Important note on how the Council determines support
Here are a few things to keep in mind about how the Council determines support:
- maximum support cannot be more than 20 % of the entire budget;
- ISEBTT cannot be the sole support;
- there must be a clear benefit to ISEBTT members (members should be able to register ((at a discount) and attend);
- school/workshop needs to be more than a local class for in house students of the host Institution;
- the Council will consider the duration, the principal languaged used, and whether it is a national or international event.
ISEBTT Support of Schools and Workshops
Part of the mission of the ISEBTT is to support Schools and Workshops that are within the scope of electroporation. Organizers of these events are asked to submit requests for support. The request should be in the form of a letter to the current President (see the Council page here to determine whom to contact) and the letter should include:
- the amount of support requested;
- number of expected attendees;
- cost of registration; and
- what the cost of registration would be for ISEBTT members.
The letter should also include information on the budget for the School as well as disclose other sources of revenue. The school will be advertised to ISEBTT members via the Newsletter and this web page. Note that the Organisers must allocate a slot for a short presentation (5-10 min.) of the Society in the event programme.