It is a great pleasure to invite you to attend Electrochemo-/electrogene therapy Pre-congress day, tutored by prof. dr. Nataša Tozon on Thursday, March 30, 2017 in Portorož.
The event is organized by Slovenian Small Animal Veterinary Association (SZVMŽ), Veterinary faculty (University of Ljubljana) and Institute of Oncology Ljubljana, and will be followed by the XXX. Congress on small animal diseases.
You are welcome to submit your clinical cases (any animal species) and presentations, covering electrochemo-/electrogene therapy topic. Round table discussion will follow the presentations, with the aim to share experience and develop further clinical and research collaboration. Reduced attendance fee (as SZVMŽ member or student fee) applies to all presenters.
The abstracts (max. 300 words) should be sent to until 12th of February 2017. For additional information and information regarding the registration, please see the flyer below.